Dr. Elias Knubben

Dr. Elias Knubben ist seit August 2018 Leiter des Bereiches Research and Innovation. Hier ist auch das Bionic Learning Network eingegliedert.
Im Bionic Learning Network, einem Verbund von Festo mit namhaften Hochschulen, Instituten und Entwicklungsfirmen, liefern natürliche Prinzipien neue Impulse für technische Anwendungen und die industrielle Praxis.
Zahlreiche Projekte die daraus hervorgegangen sind, wurden mit Innovations- und/oder Designpreisen ausgezeichnet und unter anderem auch im Museum of Modern Art ausgestellt.
Nach seiner Ausbildung zum Metallbauer bei dem Stahlbildhauer Prof. Erich Hauser hat er an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart Industrie Design studiert und bei Prof. Werner Sobek am Institut für Leichtbau Konstruieren und Entwerfen (ILEK) an der Universität in Stuttgart promoviert. Von 2012 bis August 2018 leitete er die Abteilung Corporate Bionic Projects.


Innovations through bionic thinking – agile development by the Bionic Learning Network
Automation technology carries out everyday tasks in factories such as gripping, moving and positioning goods as well as controlling processes. Nature performs all of these tasks instinctively, easily and efficiently. What could be more logical than to examine these natural phenomena and learn from them? That is why Festo set up the Bionic Learning Network, a research network linking Festo to well-known universities, institutes, development companies and private inventors.
To motivate, inspire and enthuse and to kick-start innovation – as a technological leader and as a learning company, Festo is pursuing a set of clear objectives with the Bionic Learning Network which are to establish networks and to motivate people from different sectors to develop their ideas with Festo, to keep track of current trends in research and development and to test new technologies and manufacturing methods, to encourage greater creativity in solution processes and to drive preliminary product development through prototyping, to discuss possible solutions with customers and partners and obtain customer feedback in relation to issues surrounding innovation and to demonstrate the solution expertise of Festo in a way that will inspire young people to take an interest in technology and help us to discover new talent.

The lecture describes the methodology of how agile complex projects are handled in an interdisciplinary team. Important principles and making-of sequences will be presented.