Prof. Verena Kraemer

Verena Kraemer ist Professorin für Motion Design an der University of Applied Sciences Europe, Fachbereich Art & Design. Sie studierte audiovisuelle Medien in Paris, Nürnberg und St.Petersburg und beschäftigte sich seitdem als freiberufliche Designerin vor allem mit medialen Inszenierungen. Von 2002-2015 lehrte sie Motion Graphics an der TH Georg-Simon-Ohm Nürnberg und 2012 VFX an der macromedia FH in München. Seit 2014 leitet sie den Studiengang Film + Motion Design am Campus Hamburg. Ihre Kurzfilme wurden auf zahlreichen internationalen Festivals gezeigt, darunter ShortShorts Filmfestival Tokyo, Curta Cinema Rio de Janeiro, Medfilmfestival Rom, Imago Film Fest Fundao, Internationalen Kurzfilmfestival Hamburg und Kasseler Dokfest. Ihre Leidenschaft gilt der audiovisuellen, installativen Arbeit im Raum. Zu ihren aktuellen Projekten zählen verschiedene ortsspezifische Medieninstallationen, die mit Studierenden experimentell entwickelt wurden.




ELMAN is a collaboration between the renowned Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, Germany, one of the largest and most acoustically advanced concert halls in the world and the Media Art Nexus at the Nanyang Technological University Singapore. In the context of the ELMAN University Project 2018 emerging artists from the University of Applied Sciences Europe –Hamburg and from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore created content for both media walls. All results will be shown at both locations-26th of November 2018 in Hamburg and 30th of November in Singapore.The themes of Music and Passing are connecting two distant cities and their citizens through media wall locations that cannot be more radically different in both the architecture of the space as well as geographically, culturally, and historically. But what ties both venues together is aim to create an inclusive shared public art spaces where people meet, experience art, share moments and get connected with each other. The future goal of this project is to create and share knowledge and experiences in international joint collaborations for young artists on similarly designated creative media platforms in both Singapore and Hamburg.