Prof. Julian Oliver

Julian Oliver is a New Zealander, Critical Engineer and artist based in Berlin.
His work and lectures have been presented at many museums, galleries,
international electronic-art events and conferences, including the Tate Modern,
Transmediale, the Chaos Computer Congress, Ars Electronica, FILE and the Japan
Media Arts Festival. Julian has received several awards, most notably the
distinguished Golden Nica at Prix Ars Electronica 2011 for the project Newstweek
(with Daniil Vasiliev). He is the co-author of the Critical Engineering
Manifesto and co-founder of Crypto Party in Berlin, who’s shared studio Weise7
hosted the first three crypto-parties worldwide. He is also the co-founder of
BLACKLIST, a screening and panel series focused on the primary existential
threats of our time.
Julian has also given numerous workshops and master classes in software art,
data forensics, creative hacking, computer networking, counter-surveillance,
object-oriented programming for artists, augmented reality, virtual
architecture, video-game development, information visualisation and UNIX/Linux
worldwide. He is an advocate of Free and Open Source Software and is a supporter
of, and contributor to, initiatives that reinforce rights of privacy and
anonymity in networked and other technologically-mediated domains.
Articles about Julian’s work, or work he’s made with others, have appeared in
many news channels. Among them are The BBC (UK), The Age (AU), Der Spiegel (DE),
El Pais (ES), Liberation (FR), The New York Times (US), La Vanguardia (ES), The
Guardian Online (UK), Cosmopolitan (US), Wired (DE, US, UK), Slashdot (US),
Boing Boing (US), Computer World (World) and several television stations
Alle Sprecher
- Yasser Almaamoun
- Thorsten Bauer
- Sergey Biniaminov
- Christopher Coenen
- Prof. Ina Conradi
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Deml
- Hon. Prof. Joséphine Derobe
- Florian Dohmann
- Felix Gaedtke
- Diego González-Zúñiga
- Prof. Lisa Gotto
- Dr. Lily Hibberd
- Prof. Johan Frederik Hartle
- Dr. Rocio von Jungenfeld
- Sönke Kirchhof
- Mario Klingemann
- Dr. Elias Knubben
- Dr. Sebastian Knorr
- Prof. Verena Kraemer
- Prof. Susanne Kriemann
- Dr. Barbara Kuon
- Prof. Frederic Fol Leymarie
- Roman Lipski
- Anja-Maria Meister
- Prof. Galina Mihaleva
- Prof. Dr. Eduardo R. Miranda
- Lauren Moffatt
- Prof. Julian Oliver
- Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Jivka Ovtcharova
- Gülsel Özkan
- Prof. Matteo Pasquinelli
- Prof. Vesna Petresin
- Prof. Dr. Mark Post
- Oliver Rack
- Prof. Elke Reinhuber
- Prof. Christiane Riedel
- Dr. Ralf Schäfer
- Prof. Benjamin Seide
- Dr. Markus Schmidt
- Kathleen Schröter
- Prof. Aljoscha Smolic
- Prof. Vibeke Sorensen
- Prof. João Tabarra
- Cyril Tuschi
- Holger Volland
- Dr. Lioudmila Voropai
- Yulu Wang
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