Mario Klingemann

Mario Klingemann ist ein deutscher Künstler und Google Arts and Culture Resident, der für seine Arbeit mit neuronalen Netzen, Code und Algorithmen bekannt ist. Er gilt als Pionier in der Anwendung von Computer-Lernen in der Kunst. Seine Arbeiten untersuchen Kreativität, Kultur und Wahrnehmung mittels maschinellem Lernen und künstlicher Intelligenz und sind auf dem Ars Electronica Festival, dem New Yorker Museum of Modern Art, dem Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, der Photographers 'Gallery London, dem Centre Pompidou zu sehen Paris und die British Library.


The ability to wield tools is one of the core qualities that define humanity. The evolution of human culture has always run parallel to the evolution of the tools and instruments at our disposal. Machine learning and what is commonly known as artificial intelligence is a very recent instrument that we have created and we are starting to apply it to all possible areas, including the creation of art. As with any instrument it takes time to learn how to use it skillfully or how play it masterfully. Mario Klingemann has been experimenting with the possibilities to create visual art with artificial neural networks for several years and is beginning to understand the potential and limitations of these instruments. In his talk he will give insights into his process and show some of the latest developments in this fast-moving field.