Jonas&Paul Rehren: „Marvin“

The project explores one of the most pressing worries associated with artificial
intelligence—that of humans being outsmarted by the technology and thus being made
redundant. Visitors are invited to play some fairly easy skill-based game (Connect Four)
against a neural network playing at a super-human level. The network is personified in the form of a rudimentary face on a screen facing the visitor. As visitors begin to lose, this personification will start making comments about their play; first jovially, for instance by suggesting to them alternative, more sensible moves, but after a while changing to puzzlement regarding their level of skill (or lack thereof) which finally gives way to mockery and frustration, accompanied by verbal abuse.
- Elke Reinhuber, Benjamin Seide, Ross Williams
- Sebastian Cramer
- Vibeke Sorensen
- Lily Hibberd/Volker Kuchelmeister/Alex Davies
- The Swan Collective
- Mario Klingemann
- Sangjun Yoo
- Felix Gaedtke
- Ludger Pfanz
- Neil O' Dwyer
- Roman Lipski/ Florian Dohmann
- Anina Rubin
- Ina Conradi/Mark Chavez
- Alexander Thelen
- Boris Creimerman
- Lauren Moffatt
- Rocio von Jungenfeld
- Marco Zampella & Gabriela Lang
- Finn Baygan
- Michail Rybakov
- Eleanora Pfanz
- Mona el Gammal
- Marco Kempf
- Nino Alonso
- Jonas&Paul Rehren
- Iden Sungyoung Kim
- Jason Stewart
- Fernando Brito
- Rayna Teneva & Mustafa Büyükcoşkun
- Nelly Corsten-Weckel & Charlotte Nies
- Natalia Schmidt
- Lukas Rehm
- Karolin Brägger & Meret Bhend
- Tristan Schulze
- Bektas Teker & Hamid Safari
- The XR Base Unit
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